“Thank you for your service” is not a conversation, but it’s a start. Keep it going. Ask him where he served. Ask her what she did in the military. Listen, learn and, most importantly, ask: “What’s next?”
Join the effort: Share what you have learned about and from veterans and their families. Post on social media, introduce For Love of Country to your book club, discuss the issues. We all gain from your willingness to share.
Veterans embrace new challenges and set the bar high for themselves when they return to civilian life. Whether it is dealing with complexity, strategic planning, or leadership qualities, the training and experience of our veterans makes them fast learners and excellent employees. For employers, know that hiring veterans will make your companies better.
Veterans don’t want handouts. Do what you can to allow veterans to put their leadership to good use after they leave the military. Purchase and read For Love of Country to learn more ways to contribute time or money to national organizations supporting this generation of veterans. Author proceeds will be used to support the organizations listed below, many of which are highlighted through the book’s compelling stories.
Understand why we honor and celebrate those who’ve served. Put aside the myths and misconceptions and bridge the civilian-military divide by getting to know vets and the values they bring home to our communities. Read stories of commitment and valor – in war zones and at home – in For Love of Country.
Most of us haven’t served in the military, but there are plenty of opportunities to serve in other ways. Volunteer where your passions lie, give blood, make your voice heard, vote—and do it in the name of our troops and their families.
The authors will donate proceeds from the sale of this book to Onward Veterans, a donor-advised fund of the Schultz Family Foundation that supports the following veteran service organizations who enable veterans and their families to make successful transitions to civilian life.

The Mission Continues facilitates involvement of veterans in nation-wide, community service projects fueled by more than 1,000 veteran fellowships annually. missioncontinues.org
One Mind fosters research and scientific standards that accelerate the development of improved diagnostics and treatments for post-traumatic stress (PTS) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). onemind.org
Semper Fi Fund and its program America’s Fund, provide immediate financial assistance and lifetime support for wounded, critically ill and injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families, directing urgently needed resources to post-9/11 service members. semperfifund.org
Team Red White and Blue bridges the civilian-military divide by enriching the lives of veterans and connecting them with their communities through physical exercise and social activity. teamrwb.org
Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of veterans with first responders to form national teams of military-civilians providing disaster relief and recovery support. teamrubiconusa.org
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) provides compassionate care and comprehensive support services to all those who are grieving the death of a loved one in military service to America. taps.org